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10 Ways ADUs Can Help Homeowners and Investors

10 Ways ADUs Can Help Homeowners and Investors

Photography: Carlos Rafael How ADUs Can Help Creating an accessory dwelling unit — an ADU or a Junior ADU — can have big advantages for both property owners and real estate investors. This trend of adding additional living units to single-family lots beyond primary...

Landlord Responsibilities: A Checklist of Things You Need To Know

Landlord Responsibilities: A Checklist of Things You Need To Know

Thinking of buying a rental property? You’re in good company; nearly one in five home sales last year was for an investment property. It makes sense — rental properties deliver solid annual returns. But, to paraphrase the old adage, with great returns come great responsibilities. Let’s look at a checklist of things you’ll be responsible for should you choose to become a landlord.

Townhomes Versus Condos

Townhomes Versus Condos

When searching for a new home, prospective buyers are usually faced with three distinct options: townhomes, condominiums, and detached homes. Most people are familiar with the latter, but less clear on the main differences between townhomes and condominiums. Let’s look at each to shed some light and hopefully help you to decide which is right for you.

What is an HOA?

What is an HOA?

An acronym that stands for homeowners association, an HOA can come in different forms and perform a variety of functions. But in general, it’s an organization that creates and enforces the rules for collective properties, usually condo buildings, planned communities, and subdivisions. Let’s delve into some of the different aspects of HOAs.