Photography: Carlos Rafael How ADUs Can Help Creating an accessory dwelling unit — an ADU or a Junior ADU — can have big advantages for both property owners and real estate investors. This trend of adding additional living units to single-family lots beyond primary...
Finding The Right Fit Chances are before you submit your first application, you’ll look at many rental properties. Choosing your new home is a big decision and it can be hard to know exactly what to look for — and what pitfalls to watch out for. Consider...
How important is it to stage a home that’s for sale? Very. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), nearly half of buyers’ agents say staging influences buyers, and 82% of those agents say home staging makes it easier for buyer to imagine...
Thinking of buying a rental property? You’re in good company; nearly one in five home sales last year was for an investment property. It makes sense — rental properties deliver solid annual returns. But, to paraphrase the old adage, with great returns come great...
When searching for a new home, prospective buyers are usually faced with three distinct options: townhomes, condominiums, and detached homes. Most people are familiar with the latter, but less clear on the main differences between townhomes and condominiums....